*err from TOPIC to Omonoia Square

Topic /

*err is a collective of 10 writers, artists, activists, filmmakers, curators and researchers from across four continents whose current base is TOPIC, Geneva, an independent art space where our first gatherings took place.

This September *err will visit Athens to continue our study of precarity, collectivity and the undercommons. We will partner with the Athens Biennial and CASA, to extend our disobedient research, The Feeling of Not Feeling at Home, through a post-crisis context and into the heart of Greece. Our goal is to gather a set of questions, an archive and a group-sense of what could become the future of Europe. Our fieldwork will engage both those directly affected, as much it will drift across space, citizens, pigeons, history and architecture.

Mostly we want to return to Geneva with a set of curious feelings that will feed our thinking—where our longterm goal is to understand new class formations, and develop tools for how collective action could address global precarity.